Our services

Image of Seamen's Club premises
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You'll be able to communicate thanks to free Wi-Fi using a QR code available 24 hours a day in a dedicated room at the Seamen’s Club. Mobile SIM cards are also available to purchase on site.
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Our bar awaits you, along with lounges for relaxation. Leisure activities such as darts, billiards and others, are at your disposal.
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Shop around
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You'll find all the basic hygiene products and small groceries, as well as takeaway drinks, perfumes, clothes and souvenirs. Payment can be made by credit card or cash (small amounts of US dollars can be exchanged for euros when exchange offices are closed).
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Get around
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On demand by radio or phone, our minibus will drive you from your ship to our premises. Bikes are available for daily rental.
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Meet you
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Our team will visit you on board to explain our services in greater detail.